
Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Event Horizons

According to Wikipedia the below is the definition of an Event Horizon (bit of a free Physics lesson for us all today)

"An event horizon is a boundary in spacetime for a given observer beyond which no electromagnetic energy, including light, can reach the observer.
Light emitted from inside the event horizon will never reach a stationary observer outside the horizon, hence the name black hole. Note the dependency on the observer of the concept of event horizon. For example, a free falling observer toward a black hole does not experience an event horizon (see e.g. catastrophic
gravitational collapse).
The event horizon for an outside observer really acts as a
horizon. He sees an object falling toward the horizon approaching it, but (in his own proper time) never reaching it. In his observations the object goes slower and slower toward the horizon and at the same time the redshift increases beyond bounds to infinity. Also the intensity of the falling object quickly becomes zero. In a finite time the outside observer will receive the last photon from the falling object. He will never see the falling object passing through the event horizon."

So basically to an outside observer anything heading towards a black hole slowes down and then seems to stop at the horizon or something like that.

To the person falling into the blackhole he feels this:

"When he reaches the singularity, nothing is left of the outside world and he can't see any stars in the sky. Instead he sees the (shrinking) stellar surface in every direction. "Direction" becomes meaningless, or, rather, all directions become down."

Hmmm so being in the blackhole of depression is a Physics thing (was going to say a relative thing but thought that was a little cheesy)

So I know you are asking yourselves why am I wibbling on about Physics?
Well you see I have my own version of an Event Horizon...

Biddy's 1st Law of Social Dynamics

This law states the following:

"That for any social or professional event that was time x in the future (where 'x' is the given point in time you booked the event), the relative time r between x and y (where 'y' is date of event and 'r' is the relative difference) is shorter and heavier than the actual time a between x and y (where 'a' is actual difference).
This leads to the equation:


r= relative time difference
a= actual time difference
R= Random Constant
G= Girlie Factor of Event
H= Happiness Likely to be Experienced at Event

This is all well and good in mathematical terms but what does it mean in practice?

"It is the feeling that an EVENT is on the horizon and it is heading in your direction very fast and you are not prepared."

It is also known as the "ARGH" Theory of Social Events.

Please come back next week for Biddy's 2nd Law of Social Dynamics - The Wardrobe/Space Continuum "Why You Have Nothing To Wear Yet No Wardrobe Space


Anonymous said...

You've just reminded me that it's the RNA conf this weekend, I have nothing remotely suitable for a posh dinner, and all the clothes I want to wear are right at the bottom of the ironing Everest...

Unknown said...

The RNA conference sparked the whole post... ARGH!!!

Good luck with the clothes issue.